In year 2 we have been learning how to sketch and make purposeful marks on the page. This term, we will be sketching our own character based on the Tiger Who Came to Tea. Keep checking back to see how we get to our final product.
Activity 1 – We explored the forest schoo site for evidence of different animals. We found lots of mini-beasts and talked about how some of them like dark, damp places. We knew there had been some animals on the site which were no longer there when we found features, bird nests and a range of...
Our new topic this term is about Captain Robert Falcon Scott’s race to the South Pole. Watch the video and write down any interesting facts you learn as part of your homework this week.
The children have worked so hard on their Nativity performance. It was time to let down their hair and have a fun time at the Christmas party. There was lots of dancing, games and food. A great time was had by all.
Our Science topic this term is all about plants and what they need to grow. We have carried out lots of different investigations this half term including changing different variables to see if we can find out the perfect conditions for plant growth. We found out that plants need water and sunlight t...
We have been re-enacting the events of the Great Fire of London through our PE lessons. We started by transporting water from the River Thames to put the fire in our homes out. We worked as a team to find ways to save our belongings and cross the river away from the fire. We also looked at different...
Over the first half of the autumn term, year 2 have been learning about the features of Tudor houses. In our DT lessons, we investigated the features of the houses, experimented with different mediums to make flames and made a prototype to make our flames move.
Next half term we will we working towards earning our times table rocket stars. Have a go at playing this game to help you build your confidence with your 2,5 and 10 times tables.